William Harazin.

If we all do a little, we can accomplish a lot.

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My Latest Release


Relieving Hunger in the Community.

WriteWay Publishing announces the release of From Plan to Pantry: Organizing a Neighborhood Food Drive by William D. Harazin. Harazin, an experienced food drive organizer himself, offers real life tips and advice on recruiting volunteers and organizing tasks to carry out a neighborhood food drive efficiently and smoothly. Helping alleviate food insecurity within the local community provides an immediate and direct impact, but it takes planning and communication to accomplish. This guide will help you with both.

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More About the Book

A book is a dream you hold in your hand.

-Neil Gaiman


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Terry Rayburn

Clarksville, Tennesse

"Integer lacinia nec quam sit amet porttitor. Proin tempor arcu vel nunc blandit fringilla. Etiam felis nisi, aliquet id felis eu, venenatis sagittis libero."

Jonathan Olick

Dallas, Texas

    "Nunc commodo nulla quis odio facilisis tristique sit amet non lorem. Integer lacinia nec quam sit amet porttitor. Proin tempor arcu vel nunc blandit fringilla."


    “You can have more than you got because you can become more than you are.”

    –– Jim Rohn


    Lawyer, Teacher, Speaker.

    William Harazin has participated in, organized, and helped carry out successful annual food drives in his neighborhood since 2018. He has a passion for helping those in need. He is a lawyer, teacher, certified BBQ judge, and now a published author. As a lawyer in his own firm, he practices in the area of international law. As an Associate Professor, now retired, at North Carolina State University’s Wilson College of Textiles, he taught international and law classes. In 2017, he was the recipient of the NASBITE International’s International Trade Educator of the Year Award.

    Over his career, Bill has been involved in the international trade community holding leadership roles in many international organizations. He speaks regularly on international trade issues, giving him the opportunity to travel the world.

    Bill grew up in Illinois and went to schools in the Midwest before moving to North Carolina with his wife, Becky. They both enjoy spending time at the North Carolina beaches and mountains when not traveling. 

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